Starting a business is a challenging and complex process, but with careful planning and hard work, it can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience.

The Go4DiGREEN Training Modules will help you throughout your entrepreneurial journey.

Develop a clear GREEN business idea

As a green business, you'll want to focus on environmental sustainability from the very beginning in all aspects of your operations.

Determine your legal structure

Will your business be a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or something else? Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it's important to choose the one that best fits your needs.

Obtain necessary licenses and permits

You may need to register your business and obtain specific licenses or permits to operate legally in your area.

Develop a clear business plan

Develop your green business idea


1. My vision is a green business


2. I define my green business Idea


3. Competences and resources needed for my business Idea


4. Pros and cons of green business


5. I decide to start a green business

Plan your green business idea


6. I shape my green business


7. Rules and obligations of a green business


8. I budget for my green business


9. I develop my green business plan

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10. I prepare for the start

Realize your green business idea

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11. I take the initiative


12. I apply my competences


13. I mobilise and work with others


14. I promote my green business


15. I am in control of my green business


What is a certificate?

Certificates are a form of document. These documents are given to people at the end of a training or exam.

The certificate confirms: I can do that well.

For example, I am good at planning and opening a business that is good for the environment and the people. Certificates are an easy way to compare competencies: People who have the same certificate have the same knowledge, skills, and attitudes. In The Go4DiGreen project, it is possible to get micro-certificates for every Module. People who are interested in opening a green business can collect micro-certificates, to obtain the full certificate of an ECQA Certified Green Entrepreneur.

There are three different types of certificates

A Certificate of Attendance

The Certificate of Attendance you get after a Training of a Module

A Micro Certificate

Micro-certification you get after passing an exam. A micro-certificate confirms that a person can apply parts of a skill card. This means you get a certificate for every Module.

A Full Certificate

The full certificate you get after passing all 15 Modules.